You can quit guessing now, here are the meanings of the words presented in the previous Arty-fact as pretaining to art:
1. Aquatint--a type of intaglio using a resin coating, dipped in acid to etch an even area of half-tones.
2. Arabesque--linear, flowing, organic style surface decorations.
3. Atelier--an artists workshop and those students surrounding that artist.
4. Automatism--painting technique allowing the subconscious to dominate.
5. Breakfast piece--a still-life, usually Dutch, depicting a breakfast setting.
6. Capriccio--a fantasy architectural landscape painting.
7. Chinoiserie--imitation Chinese art related to 18th century Rococo.
8. Chromolithography--lithography using multiple stones to print a single image in multiple colors.
9. Churrigueresque--a painterly style of architecture named after the Spanish architect, Jose Churriguera.
10. Contextualism--a methodological approach to art history focusing on cultural contexts.
11. Contrapposto--the human body presented with the weight resting on one leg.
12. Cycle--a series of paintings utilizing a single storyline, intended to be displayed together.
13. Deesis--in Byzantine art, the presentation of an enthroned Christ flanked by Mary and Saint John the Baptist.
14. Faktura--in Russian art, the focusing on the effects of various materials in the creation of diverse visual and textural effects.
15. Fete galante--the depiction of well-dressed people enjoying their leisure in a park.
16. Fresco secco--painting on dry plaster, usually touching up buon fresco (pigments applied to WET plaster.
17. Frottage--a design produced by placing paper over an area of high relief and rubbing over it with graphite or charcoal.
18. Gesturalism--painting or drawing in which the line indicates the physcial gesture used to create it.
19. Giornata--Italian, meaning a days work, in reference to the area a fresco artist could complete in one day.
20. Grisaille--a painting done primarily in tones of gray (ex. Picasso's Guernica).
21. Ignudi--nude male figures similiar to those of Michelangelo on the Sistine ceiling.
22. Limner--self-taught itinerant portrait artists from the American colonial period.
23. Literati painting--a style of painting reflecting the tastes of educated East Asian intellectuals including an appreciation of small-scale antique styles and an intimate connection between painter and viewer.
24. Nocturne--paintings depicting nightime.
25. Odalisque--a painting depicting a reclining female **** in an exotic setting.
26. Orthogonal--in perspective, those lines running two a vanishing point.
27. Painterly--a style of painting emphasizing surface brushwork.
28. Picture plane--theoretical spatial plane corresponding to the surface of the canvas.
29. Provenance--the history of ownership of a given painting from painter to the present.
30. Sfumato--a hazy painted effect creating a naturalistic, smoky appearance.
31. Tenebrism--the use of large dark areas in a painting usually with strongly articulated, brightly lit main figures. (ex. Carravaggio's work)
32.Tondo--a round painting, as in, "Watch what you touch when you're around painting."
33. Vanitas--still-life or genre paintings containing objects sympolizing the temporal nature of life.
34. Verism--the meticulous rendering in paint of exterior detail of a person or object.
These are kind of abreviated definitions designed to send you into a frenzy of in-depth research aimed at satisfying your curiosity or improving your score in Trivial Pursuit. In either case, you'll be better suited to pull off the "art expert" act the next time the opportunity presents yourself to awe, dismay, or humiliate your peers. Such information is also invaluable in working crossword puzzles provided you also take the time to learn to SPELL each one.